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2022年06月22日 15:50  点击:[]


1. Oksana  Shkromada

Female, born in 1975. Doctor of Veterinary Science, major in  Hygiene animal and veterinary sanitation. Prof. of the Therapy, Pharmacology,  Clinical Diagnostics and Chemistry Department, Faculty of Veterinary medicine  of Sumy National Agrarian University since Dec 2017. She has worked in a team  within the framework of scientific research of new drugs for veterinary  medicine and can carry out veterinary and sanitary supervision at farms for  keeping pigs. She has experiences to hold two projects and has published 6  scientific papers. Subjects: clinical diagnostics. Scientific Research Topic:  The use of disinfectants in animal.

1. Oksana  Shkromada

女,出生于1975年。兽医学博士,教授,主修动物卫生和兽医公共卫生。自201712开始受聘于苏梅国立农业大学兽医学院治疗、药理学、临床诊断学和化学系教授。在兽医临床的新药研发及养猪生产实践中具有丰富的经验。曾主持两项科研课题,并在Veterinary  Science等期刊发表论文6篇。主讲临床诊断学;目前主要从事动物用消毒剂的研究工作。


2.  Kysterna Olesia Serhiivna

Female, Ph.D. in Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the  Department of Therapy, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnostics and Chemistry,  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sumy National Agrarian University. Main  activities and responsibilities Veterinary pharmacology; Veterinary  Microbiology, Epizootiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology. Main field  of scientific activities in the field of  beekeeping, pharmacology and diseases of small animals (dogs, cats).

2.  Kysterna Olesia Serhiivna



3.  Liudmyla Ponomarova

Female,  Ph.D. in Chemistry Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of  Therapy, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnostics and Chemistry, Faculty of Veterinary  Medicine, Sumy National Agrarian University. Subjects: Organic  chemistry, Inorganic and analytical chemistry for the 1st2nd  year students of Biotechnological Department and Agrotechnologies.Main field  of scientific interests are ion-exchange and sorption processes, and  materials, nanomaterials and nanocomposites, water treatment technologies,  electrodeionization.Scholarships: The scholarship of the President of Ukraine  for young scientists (2013 2014) and the scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of  Ukraine for young scientists (2016-2018). 5 scientific  projects were presided and 6 SCI articles published in important journals.

3.  Liudmyla Ponomarova



4. Halyna  Rebenko

Female,  PhD in Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the Epizootology and  Parasitology Department, Principal subjects: veterinary epidemiology,  infectious diseases, immunology, and microbiology. The organization of 3  national conferences and more than 10 amateur student concerts were  experienced. She is certified EpiCor Member from 2016. Main field of  scientific interests are the animal health, strategies to surveillance and  prevent illness. One Technical assistance project were presided and 4 SCI articles  published in important journals.

4. Halyna  Rebenko



5. Yana  Udovenko

Female, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, born in 1979. A  Senior Teacher of the Department of Anatomy, Normal and Pathological  Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Sumy National Agrarian  University. The teaching experience of discipline “Anatomy of agricultural  animals” is 8 years. Teach Anatomy of agricultural animal. Organize and  conduct educational and educational work on all types of laboratory-practical  and lecture classes. Participate in scientific and research work on one of  the scientific directions of the department. Participate in the organization  and management of research work of students. A member of All-Ukrainian  Society of Veterinary Pathologists. She has published two scientific papers  and hold three patents for a useful model.

5. Yana  Udovenko


6. Hanna  Fotina

Female, Doctor, Prof. of the Epizootology and Parazitology Department,  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sumy National Agrarian University. Teach:  Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology. She was responsible for the  organization of various national and international workshops, conferences and  about 39 professional seminars food safety and quality and seminars on  pharmacology. She has published 6 scientific papers.

6. Hanna  Fotina


7. Yuliya  Baydevlyatova

Female, PhD in Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor of the  Chair of Virology, Patanatomy and Diseases of birds, Faculty of Veterinary  Medicine, Sumy National Agrarian University, Teaching and scientific activity  in the sphere of Veterinary Histology, Cytology, Embryology. Organize  meetings. She was responsible for the organization of various conferences,  exhibitions and seminars. She has published 6 scientific papers.

7. Yuliya  Baydevlyatova


8.  Ivchenko Viktoriia

Female, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of  the Department of Therapy, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnostics and Chemistry  of Sumy National Agrarian University. Basic courses: Chemistry, Food  Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry (in English). Field of research: Scanning  electron microscopy in the fields of biology, medicine, materials science,  mineralogy, soil science. Wastewater treatment of metal and ammonium cations  by adsorption on clay minerals. Training courses: Innovative orientation of  pedagogical activity.

8.  Ivchenko Viktoriia


9. Shvets  Olha

Female, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor  of the Chair of Therapy, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnostics and Chemistry,  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sumy National Agrarian University. Basic disciplines:  «Chemistry», «Inorganic and base of Analytical chemistry», «Organic  Chemistry». The main directions of scientific research: Chemical and  environmental education of students, professionally oriented education,  modern methods of teaching chemistry, information technology and interactive  learning. Training courses Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity.

9. Shvets  Olha


10. Bordunova  Olga Georgievna

Female, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Professor of the  Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biology and Technology Faculty.  Taught disciplines: Biotechnology, embryo -engineering biotechnology.  Academic and research fields: Development of innovative technology of  pre-incubation treatment of chickens eggs.

10.  Bordunova Olga Georgievna






河南科技学院苏梅国际学院  地址:河南省新乡市华兰大道东段