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2022年06月22日 16:10  点击:[]

1. Svitlana  Agadzhanova

Female,  Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Cybernetics and  Informatics Department. The main courses are: Mathematical programming,  Operations research, Geographic information systems, Data Science. Areas of  scientific research: E-learning, distance learning, Data Science. She has  numerous scientific and research publications.

1. Svitlana  Agadzhanova


2.  Bakumenko Olhа

Female,  Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the  Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agrotechnologies and Natural  Recourses Management of Sumy National Agrarian University. Courses taught by  the teacher include Insect Pathology, Insect Physiology, General Virology,  Technology for the Cultivation and Use of Organisms in Biological Plant  Protection. Responsible for educational and scientific activities in the  field of wheat breeding and the protection of crops from harmful organisms,  as well as quarantine facilities. Responsible contractor for government  procurement "Selection of Promising Bread Wheat Lines to Create Varieties  with Group Disease Resistance". Actively participated in Erasmus+  project “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food specialists in  eastern Europe”. Published more than 40 publications, 6 tutorials and 10  Other teaching and methodical works.

2. Bakumenko Olhа


3.  Kandyba Nataliya

Female,  PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of  Breeding and Seeding named after M. D. Goncharov, Faculty of  Agrothechnologies and Natural Resources Management, Sumy National Agrarian  University. Main activities and responsibilities include teaching and  scientific activity in the sphere of genetics, special genetics, genetics  method of plant, genetics of fiber - flax and breeding. Main scientific  research topic is determination of the genetic control of symptoms and the  formation of a genetic collection of flax seed. Actively participated in  Erasmus+ project “Improving skills in laboratory practice for agro-food  specialists in eastern Europe”. She has more than 5 scientific and research  publications.

3. Kandyba Nataliya


4.  Kyrylchuk Kateryna

Female,  PhD in Biology Sciences, Ass. Prof. of the Ecology and Botany Department,  Faculty of Agrothechnologies and Natural resources management, Sumy National  Agrarian University. Main activities and responsibilities include teaching  and scientific activity in the sphere of population biology of plants  (population ecology of plants). Main taught courses are biology education,  pedagogics and methodology of secondary education, teaching methodology of  chemistry, biology, valeology and bases of ecology. She has more than 5  scientific and research publications.

4. Kyrylchuk Kateryna


5.  Zakharchenko Elina

Female,  PhD in Agricultural Science, Ass. Prof. of the Arable Farming, Soil Science and  Agrochemistry Department, Faculty of Agrothechnologies and Natural Resources  Management, Sumy National Agrarian University. Taught courses "Soil  Science with Fundamentals of Agrochemistry", "Soil Science with  Fundamentals of Geology", "Forest Soil Science",  "Phytoremediation", “Agro-ecological bases of application of  fertilizers”, “Crop yield programming”. Main Scientific Research Topics are  Monitoring of soils quality, nutrients and water regimes, soil reclamation,  crop production, fertilizer and growth regulators application, tillage.  Actively participated in Erasmus+ projects “From the Theoretical-Practical  training in Agrarian Studies” and “Counternarrativalicious”. Has numerous  publications.

5. Zakharchenko Elina


6.  Zhatova Halyna

Female,  PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Ecology and Botany Chair,  Faculty of Agrothechnologies and Natural Resources Management, Sumy National  Agrarian University. Main activities and responsibilities include teaching  and scientific activity in the sphere of agrarian ecology, microbiology,  seeds production and plant breeding. Has numerous scientific and research  publications.

6. Zhatova Halyna


7.  Zubko Vladyslav

Male, PhD in Technical  Sciences, Associate  professor, Head  of the Tractors, Agricultural Machinery and Transport Technologies  Department,Faculty  of Engineering-technological,  Sumy  National Agrarian University. Main activities and responsibilities include teaching and  scientific activity in the sphere of agricultural machinery  maintenance. Main field of scientific interests are quality of soil  cultivation using the agricultural machines; research of the most preferable  conditions for growing plants to increase the yields; research of the work  parameters and operatins regimes of the agricultural machines in regard to  the plants needs; machines analisys to provide all the issues mentioned  above; analisys of technical and economic parameters of the machines  functioning used for growing a plant; the most efficient use of complex  machines and rational complex machines for growing and harvesting of crops.  Responsible for the organization of various workshops, conferences on the  engineering-technological  faculty. At the moment he has established a scientific research school at the  university. He has numerous scientific and research publications. 

7. Zubko Vladyslav


8.  Horbas Serhii

Male, PhD in  Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Research Laboratory of Horticulture and  Viticulture, Sumy National Agrarian University. Responsible for conducting  various educational practices, scientific researchers conducted by students,  post-graduate students. Taught disciplines: plant growing. Areas of  scientific research: Study of plant varieties registered in Ukraine. More  than 16 works were published.

8.  Horbas Serhii


9. Oksana Melnyk

Female, Candidate of  Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Technology of Nutrition  Department, Faculty of Food Technology, Sumy National Agrarian University.  Areas of scientific research "Research of technological properties of  modified starches and their application in the production of food and culinary  products", "Development of technologies of bakery products using  raw materials of vegetable origin". More than 50 works and patents were  published.

9. Oksana Melnyk


10. Stepanova Tetiana

Female, PhD, Technical  Sciences, Associate Professor of the Food Technologies Faculty, head of food  technologies laboratory, Sumy National Agrarian University. Teaching and  scientific activity in the Food Technology sphere. More than 5 works were  published.

10. Stepanova Tetiana


11. Zubtsova Inna

Female, Master of  Ecology, Associate Professor of Department of Ecology and Botany. Areas of  scientific research: medicinal plants, Growth signs of Nymphaea candida,  Cenopopulations Polygonum Aviculare L., SANGUISORBA OFFICINALIS,  Forest-forming species of the Left-Bank Polissia of Ukraine. 7 works were  published.

11. Zubtsova Inna




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