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2022年06月22日 16:13  点击:[]


1. Melnyk Oksana

Female, Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Associate Professor of the Technology of Nutrition Department, Faculty of  Food Technology, Sumy National Agrarian University. Main disciplines: General  technologies of food industry, Innovative technologies of food products  (Ukrainian and English), Food and dietary supplements, Quality management of  products and services of restaurant business. Direction of scientific  research: Development and research of properties of dry vegetable mixes and  their use in food products, Investigation of the properties of modified  starches and their application in food production.

1. Melnyk Oksana


2.  Stoyanets Nataliya

Female, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management department.  Main disciplines: personnel development management, food business management,  intellectual property, strategic innovation, methods of justifying management  decisions. Certificate of Chinese language pronunciation A1. Has 150  scientific and methodical publications. Certified trainer with HACCP.

2. Stoyanets Nataliya

经济学博士管理系教授。主要讲授课程人员发展管理、食品企业管理、知识产权、战略创新、管理决策证明方法、汉语A1证书。拥有150篇科学出版物。 HACCP认证培训师。

3.  Bozhko Nataliya

Female, Associate Professor of the Milk  and Meat Technology Department, Faculty of Food  Technology, Sumy National Agrarian University, PhD, Agricultural sciences  degree. Basic disciplines: Biochemistry, Innovative technologies of meat  products, Technologies of meat products of functional purpose.

3.  Bozhko Nataliya


4.  Helikh Anna

Female, PhD., Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Technology and Food  Safety Department, Faculty of Food Technology, Sumy National Agrarian  University. Main disciplines: information technologies and optimization of  technical and technological objects of the processing industry in scientific  research, general technologies of food production, biochemistry. Research  interests: technology of semi-finished products from freshwater mussel and  culinary products with its use, technology of hemp products and their use in  food industry. She has 50 publications.

4.  Helikh Anna


5.  Koshel Olena

Female,  PhD, Technical  Sciences, Associate Professor of the Technology of  Nutrition Department, Faculty of Food Technology, Sumy National Agrarian University. The main subjects  are: "General food technology", "Industry technology".  Field of research: "Development of technology of low-fat confectionery  products".

5.  Koshel Olena


6.  Stepanova Tetiana

Female,Associate Professor of the Food Technology Department, PhD, Technical Sciences, Deputy Dean for  Educational Affairs and Accreditation in the Food Technologies Faculty. Field  of research: Development of new food products technologies for therapeutic  purposes. Grant, state budget and contractual topics: № 0113U0042  «Development of technologies of new food products for medical and  prophylactic purposes».

6.  Stepanova Tetiana

女,食品技术系副教授,工学博士,食品技术学院教育事务和认证副院长。研究领域:开发用于治疗目的的新食品技术。国家支持项目:№ 0113U0042 《开发用于医疗和预防目的的新食品技术》。

7.  Bilocerkovec Marina

Female,  Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Bio-technology faculty of Sumy  National Agrarian University. The main course is: “Foreign language of  professional use”, “Business foreign language”. Area of scientific research:  innovative technologies of teaching foreign languages, internationalization  of higher agrarian education. Has numerous scientific and research  publications.

7.  Bilocerkovec Marina


8.  Samilyk Maryna

Female, Associate Professor in the Technology  and Food Safety Department. Candidate of Technical Sciences. The main  subjects are: “General technologies of food industry”, “Hygiene and  sanitation of food enterprises”. Areas of research: development of functional  dairy products.

8.  Samilyk Maryna


9.  Sabadash Sergiy

Male,  Associate Professor of Engineering Technologies for Food Production of  Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Field of research: drying  processes of food raw materials, energy-saving technologies in food  production, technological equipment of food production.

9.  Sabadash Sergiy


10.  Savchenko-Pererva Marina

Female,  Associate Professor of Engineering Technologies for Food Production of  Department, Сandidate  of Technical Sciences.  Main subjects: “Innovative engineering facilities restaurant business”,  “Energy and Energy technical and technological facilities processing  industry” (in English) “The equipment in the field”, “Production equipment  Food production “,” Automation of production processes “. Field of research:  energy-saving technologies in food production, food production processing  equipment.

10.  Savchenko-Pererva Marina


11.  Radchuk Oleg

Male,  Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology, Associate Professor of Engineering  Technologies for Food Production of Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Main subjects:  “Research work of students”, “Basic scientific research”, “Applied  Mechanics”. Field of research: energy-saving technologies in food production.  Other information:.

11.  Radchuk Oleg



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