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2022年06月29日 11:29  点击:[]

Academic Plan for Veterinary Medicine by Sumy International Schoolof Henan Institute

of Science and Technology


    一、专业基本信息 Basic professional information 


1. Major Code & Name


Major Name: Veterinary Medicine


Major Code: 090401


2. Length of schooling


The standard length of schooling is 4 years and the length ofstudy is 3-7 years


3. Award of degree

农学学士学位(中国)           兽医学学士学位(乌克兰)  

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (China)  Bachelor ofVeterinary Medicine (Ukraine)

二、培养目标Educational objectives


The target of education iscooperated to cultivate talents who can meet the needs of economic constructionand social development and develop in an all-round way morally, intellectually,physically, aesthetically and labor. They are veterinary medicine professionalswho systematically master the basic knowledge, theories and skills of basicveterinary medicine, preventive veterinary medicine and clinical veterinarymedicine. Thus cultivated students can work in veterinary administration,animal production enterprises and related departments for animal diseasediagnosis and treatment, animal disease prevention and quarantine, teaching,science research and other aspects of the work. They are compound agriculturalprofessionals with international vision, innovative spirit and practicalability.

三、培养要求 Skills requirement


Thegraduates should have the abilities as following:


Correctworld outlook, good quality of dedication, law-abiding, unity and cooperation,honest and trustworthy.


Tograsp the basic theory, knowledge of basic veterinary medicine, preventiveveterinary science, clinical veterinary medicine, and initial capacity onmethods of investigation of animal diseases, animal disease detection, animaldisease prevention, quarantine and animal epidemic prevention project.


Withthe initial capacity of analysis the causes on animal disease, controlmeasures, and have the capacity of implementation on skills development andlaboratory testing, routine and special diagnostics, drugs using, animaldisease inspection and quarantine and so on.


Understandingthe theory, application prospects and development trends of biological scienceand animal medicine and natural science technology.


Familiarwith the principles, policies and regulations of China's animal production,animal medicine development, veterinary epidemic prevention and quarantine,veterinary drugs production, environmental protection, animal import and exportquarantine.


Understandthe essential method of literature search, data query, writing, and possesscertain scientific research and practical work ability.


Havethe ability of research and decision-making, organization and management,verbal and writing skills, and with independent access to knowledge,information processing, basic ability to innovate.


Mastera foreign language, professional reading.

四、专业特色Major characteristics


Themajor of Veterinary Medicine corresponds to the majorof Veterinary Medicine of College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine ofHenan Institute of Science and Technology. This major is a key discipline and afirst-level discipline authorized for master's degree in Henan Province. It isa first-class undergraduate specialty construction point in Henan Province,with academician workstation and postdoctoral research mobile station. Thismajor corresponds to Veterinary Medicine major of Sumy National AgrarianUniversity of Ukraine, which belongs to the College of Veterinary Medicine ofthe university and is an advantageous major of the college.


The cooperative major can give full playto the strong faculty, advanced teaching ideas, high-quality teaching andscientific research conditions of College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine of Henan Institute of Science andTechnology and Veterinary Medicine majorof Sumy National Agrarian University of Ukraine. This major can realizeresource sharing and complementary advantages. This major can cultivatehigh-quality professionals urgently needed in the veterinary field whosystematically master the basic theory and applied knowledge of Veterinary Medicine, have a certain international vision and"three rural feelings", and better serve China's modernization andfuture international economic development. Professional characteristics aremainly reflected in:


1. By introducing Party B's professionalbasic courses such as Animal Anatomy, Animal Histology and Embryology,Biochemistry, Animal Physiology, Microbiology, Veterinary Pharmacology andVeterinary Pathology and other courses, the cultivated students will have goodprofessional quality, solid professional basic knowledge and internationalvision, and strengthen the international integration of Party A's professionalbasic courses.


2. Through the introduction ofprofessional core courses such as Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary InternalMedicine, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Obstetrics, Animal InfectiousDiseases and so on, Party A's major will have a more internationalization,promote the consolidation of students' professional theoretical knowledge andthe improvement of professional skills, and make the advantages ofprofessionals to meet the development needs of the international veterinaryindustry more obvious.


3. By introducing the information relatedcourses of Sumy National Agricultural University of Ukraine and fullyintegrating the high-quality resources of Sumy National Agricultural Universityof Ukraine in the field of veterinary medicine, information technology andother related fields, the students majoring in VeterinaryMedicineof Henan Institute of Science and Technology have unique advantages in moderndiagnosis and treatment technology of animal diseases and industry intelligentmanagement technology.



1. The assessment of eachtheoretical course of this major is carried out in accordance with therequirements of the syllabus by combining examination with examination,formative evaluation, and summative evaluation. The summative evaluation of allcourses adopts hundred points system. Formative assessment should highlight therole of process assessment in summative assessment, and make comprehensiveassessment according to class attendance, class participation, classdiscussion, presentation, stage test, homework or design completion quality.The final evaluation results of all courses are composed of formativeevaluation and summative evaluation. The percentage of formative evaluation andsummative evaluation is 40:60.


2. The practice, training andcurriculum design are carried out according to the requirements of the practicesyllabus and plan. The examination results are comprehensively evaluatedaccording to the students' attendance rate, practical operation ability andreport quality, and the five points system is adopted.


3. Graduation design (thesis)shall be conducted according to the requirements of outline and assignmenttask. The score shall be evaluated comprehensively according to the evaluationresult of the instructor, paper review teacher and thesis defense. And thescore shall be scored by five points system.The thesis language is in English.  


4. Students who fail in thecourse examination have only one chance to make up the examination. If you passthe make-up examination, you can get corresponding credits; if you fail themake-up examination, you must take the course again.


5. Students who fail in theexamination of internship, practical training and curriculum design will beretrained with low grade/year students.

六、毕业与学位Graduation and degree


1. In the “4+0” double degreemode, those who complete all the courses and all the practical teaching proceduresstipulated in the talent training program within the maximum period ofregistration as required (that is 3-7 years), submit the graduation design(thesis) in English under the joint guidance of teachers of both partiesand are qualified in the defense of graduation design (thesis)organized by Sumy International College of HIST, shall be granted with theundergraduate graduation certificate and bachelor’s degree certificate of HenanInstitute of Science and Technology. They also shall be granted with bachelor'sdegree certificate from Sumy National Agrarian University, and it is notnecessary to stay at Sumy National Agrarian University.


2. If the students fail tomeet the graduation conditions within the length of schooling specified in thepersonnel training plan, Party A and Party B shall issue the diploma or studycertificate.





河南科技学院苏梅国际学院  地址:河南省新乡市华兰大道东段