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2022年06月29日 11:32  点击:[]

Academic Plan forInternational Economy and Trade (Agricultural Products Aspect) by SumyInternational

School of Henan Institute of Science and Technology


一、专业基本信息 Basicprofessional information


1. MajorCode & Name


MajorName: International Economy and Trade


MajorCode: 020401


2.Length of schooling


Thestandard length of schooling is 4 years and the length of study is 3-7 years


3.Award of degree

经济学学士学位(中国)     管理学学士学位(乌克兰)  

Bachelorof Economics (China)  Bachelor of Management (Ukraine)

二、培养目标 Educationalobjectives


This major jointly cultivates talents withinterdisciplinary agricultural sciences talents with international vision,creative spirit and practical ability, developing all-roundly in morality,intelligence, sports, beauty and labor, adapting to the need of economic andsocial development,  having basic knowledge and theoretical literacy in economicmanagement, international trade, financial investment, etc., being familiarwith prevailing international trade rules, practices and commercial laws, withstrong international business communication skills and foreign trade businessoperation capabilities, highlighting the advantages of trade management inagricultural products, who can be engaged in economic management related toagriculture and foreign affairs in government departments, enterprises orinstitutions.

三、培养要求 Skillsrequirement


1. Have a high political consciousness,moral level, natural science and artistic and cultural literacy, and strongphysical and mental qualities;


2. Proficient in English, with strongcross-cultural communication skills, English reading ability and businesswriting ability, as well as the basic ability of computer and informationtechnology application;


3. Master the basic theoretical knowledgeand research methods of economics and management, and be able to conductqualitative and quantitative analysis on economic management problems,especially agricultural economic management problems;


4. Master the basic theoretical knowledgeof international economy and trade, be familiar with the foreign tradedevelopment principles, policies and regulations of China, Ukraine and othermajor trading countries, and have the basic ability to analyze the practicalproblems of foreign economy and trade;


5. Understand the theoretical frontiersand development trends of international economy and trade, especially in theinternational trade of agricultural products, and have certain scientificresearch capabilities;


6. Have the comprehensive quality andability of foreign trade, and be able to carry out the actual businessoperation of trade, finance and investment in the field of agriculture;


7. Have strong professional practiceability, innovative spirit and entrepreneurial consciousness, and get theability and level of innovation and entrepreneurship in agricultural products’ cross-bordere-commerce.



The major of International Economy andTrade (agricultural products aspect) corresponds to Party B's Management (theaspect of foreign economic management of agricultural products) major, whichbelongs to Faculty of Economics and Management of Sumy National AgriculturalUniversity of Ukraine and having agricultural characteristics and economicmanagement discipline advantage. This cooperative major gives full play to thecharacteristics of International Economy and Trade major of bachelor degree andRural Development and International Business majors of master degrees ofEconomics and Management School of Henan Institute of Science and Technology,takes foreign trade business as its core, focuses on the advantages of economicmanagement in agriculture, cross border operation and financial investment,improves the students' comprehensive quality, business development ability anddevelopment potential, and better serves China’s modernization drive and talentneeds for economic and trade cooperation between our country and othercountries on the line of “the Belt and the Road” by promoting internationalcooperation degree. Characteristics are mainly reflected in the following:


1. By introducing Party B's Microeconomics,Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Principles of Accounting, Statistics,Finance, Econometrics and other courses, strengthen the internationalintegration of Party A's professional basic courses, absorb the analyticalframework and methods of modern economics and management, and combine with thedevelopment of professional theoretical courses with national characteristics,to cultivate students' good subject quality and solid subject knowledge, and toenhance Party A's advantages in economics and management.


2. Through the introduction of InternationalTrade, International Finance, International Investment, International Logistics,International Business Negotiation and other courses, Party A's major willhave a more international perspective. Combined with the development of foreigntrade practice courses of Party A's major, it will promote the consolidation ofstudents' professional theoretical knowledge and the improvement of theirapplication ability, so as to make the major have more obvious advantages inmeeting the needs of national foreign trade development.


3. Through the introduction ofhigh-quality education and teaching resources and teaching materials in AgricultureBig Data Application Technology, Operation and Management of Agricultural Enterprises,Agricultural Economics, International Trade in Agricultural Products andother courses, further strengthen the depth and expand the breadth of Party A’sdevelopment in the characteristic courses of agricultural economic management,so as to make the graduates have unique advantages in the trade and managementof agricultural products.



1. The assessment of each theoreticalcourse of this major is carried out in accordance with the requirements of thesyllabus by combining examination with examination, formative evaluation, andsummative evaluation. The summative evaluation of all courses adopts hundredpoints system. Formative assessment should highlight the role of processassessment in summative assessment, and make comprehensive assessment accordingto class attendance, class participation, class discussion, presentation, stagetest, homework or design completion quality. The final evaluation results ofall courses are composed of formative evaluation and summative evaluation. Thepercentage of formative evaluation and summative evaluation is 40:60.


2. The practice, training and curriculumdesign are carried out according to the requirements of the practice syllabusand plan. The examination results are comprehensively evaluated according tothe students' attendance rate, practical operation ability and report quality,and the five points system is adopted.  


3. Graduation design (thesis) shall beconducted according to the requirements of outline and assignment book. Thescore shall be evaluated comprehensively according to the evaluation result ofthe instructor, paper review teacher and graduation reply. And the score shall bescored by five points system. The thesis language is in English.


4. Students who fail in the courseexamination have only one chance to make up the examination. If you pass themake-up examination, you can get corresponding credits; if you fail the make-upexamination, you must take the course again.


5. Students who fail in the examination ofinternship, practical training and curriculum design will be retrained with lowgrade/year students.

六、毕业与学位Graduation anddegree


1. In the “4+0” double degree mode, thosewho complete all the courses and all the practical teaching proceduresstipulated in the talent training program within the maximum period ofregistration as required(that is 3-7 years), submit the graduation design(thesis) in English under the joint guidance of teachers of both partiesand are qualifiedin the defense of graduation design (thesis) organized by Sumy InternationalCollege of HIST, shall be granted with the undergraduate graduation certificateand bachelor’s degree certificate of Henan Institute of Science and Technology.They also shall be granted with bachelor's degree certificate from SumyNational Agrarian University, and it is not necessary to stay at Sumy NationalAgrarian University.


2. If the students fail to meet the graduationconditions within the length of schooling specified in the personnel trainingplan, Party A and Party B shall issue the diploma or study certificate.


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