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2022年06月29日 11:33  点击:[]

Academic Plan for Agronomyby Sumy International School of Henan Institute of Science and Technology


  一、专业基本信息Basic professional information


1. Major Code & Name


Major Name: Agronomy


Major Code: 090101


2. Length of schooling


The standard length of schooling is 4years and the length of study is 3-7 years


3. Award of degree

农学学士学位(中国)          农学学士学位(乌克兰)

Bachelor of Agronomy(China)     Bachelor of Agronomy (Ukraine)

二、培养目标 Educational objectives


The major of Agronomy cultivates personnelwith interdisciplinary agricultural sciences talents with international vision,creative spirit and practical ability. Those personnels shall have good Englishskills as well as international vision to meet the demands of modernagricultural development, have basic knowledge and basic theories of cropscience, information science and agricultural engineering science and havesolid skills and methods of agronomy production. These talents shall be able touse modern information technology to serve modern agricultural production andmanagement and to engage in scientific research and teaching related toagriculture, technology promotion and development, production, operation andmanagement.

三、培养要求 Skills requirement


1. Have a high political consciousness, moral level,natural science and artistic and cultural literacy, and strong physical andmental qualities.


2. Good at learning ability, writing ability, languageexpression ability, communication ability, have strong interest ininvestigation and decision-making, organization and management ability;basically master the ability of acquisition knowledge alone informationprocessing and innovation.


3. Master thebasic theory and knowledge of biology, computer science, informatics andmechanistic.


4. Possess basicskills such as crop production management technology, agricultural intelligentequipment and information technology, and smart technology management.


5. Master thebasic knowledge of the sustainable development of modern agriculture, andUnderstand the application and development trend of information technology andartificial intelligence in agronomy, information science and other disciplines.


6. Be familiarwith the relevant guidelines, policies and regulations of modern agriculturalproduction and rural work.


7. Have ability touse the professional theoretical knowledge and smart technology, intelligentrobots and engineering technology to solve general problems in the agriculturalfield, and also have ability to engage in agricultural scientific research,product development, production management, technology promotion, industrialoperation and management.

四、专业特色Major characteristics


Agronomy corresponds toSumy National Agrarian University of Ukraine's agronomy major, which isaffiliated to “Agrothechnologiesand Natural resources management” department in Sumy NationalAgrarian University in Ukraine. This cooperative education program fullyutilizes the advantages of smart agriculture supported by the Internet ofThings, big data, spatial information technology and artificial intelligence atthe Sumy National Agricultural University, and fully integrates the advantagesof the agronomy major of Henan Institute of Science and Technology, andcombines resources, environment, and production. Reconfiguration andoptimization with various agricultural elements such as management, output, andquality, so that information technology and all aspects of agriculture can beeffectively integrated, and information perception, quantitativedecision-making, intelligent control, precise investment and personalizedservices in the whole process of agricultural production can be realized.Through the comprehensive improvement of students' comprehensive quality,practical application ability, development potential and international vision,we can better promote the modernization of China's agricultural and ruralareas, reserve and cultivate modern agricultural talents who take"strengthening agriculture as their own responsibility". Professionalcharacteristics mainly reflects:


1. By introducing Sumy National AgrarianUniversity of Ukraine’s information-related courses, fully integrating SumyNational Agrarian University of Ukraine’s high-quality resources andcharacteristic courses in related fields such as agronomy and informationtechnology, deepen and strengthen the characteristics of agronomyofHenan Institute of Science and Technology in agricultural technology andequipment and intelligent management technology.


2. By introducing courses such as algorithmsand programming, intelligent technology and the Internet of Things, HenanInstitute of Science and Technology’s major agronomy hasmore obvious advantages in cultivating intelligent agricultural technology andprofessional talents.


3. By introducing good-quality education and teachingresources and teaching materials in basic courses such as the application ofinformation technology, it can further strengthen and expand the depth andbreadth of these courses of Agronomy of Henan Instituteof Science and Technology, so that the trained graduates have good professionalqualities and solid professional knowledge and an international perspective.



1. The assessment of each theoreticalcourse of this major is carried out in accordance with the requirements of thesyllabus by combining examination with examination and test, formativeevaluation and summative evaluation. The summative evaluation of all coursesadopts hundred points system. Formative assessment should highlight the role ofprocess assessment in summative assessment, and make comprehensive assessmentaccording to class attendance, class participation, class discussion,presentation, stage test, homework or design completion quality.


2. The practice, training and curriculumdesign are carried out according to the requirements of the practice syllabusand plan. The examination results are comprehensively evaluated according tothe students' attendance rate, practical operation ability and report quality,and the hundred points system is adopted.


3. Graduation design (thesis) shall beconducted according to the requirements of outline and assignment book. Thescore shall be evaluated comprehensively according to the attendance rate,opening report, achievement quality, evaluation result of the instructor andgraduation reply, and the score shall be scored by hundred points system. Thethesis language is in English.


4. Students who fail in the courseexamination have only one chance to make up the examination. If you pass themake-up examination, you can get corresponding credits; if you fail the make-upexamination, you must take the course again.


5. Students who fail in the examination ofinternship, practical training and curriculum design will be retrained with low grade students.

六、毕业与学位Graduationand degree  


1. In the “4+0” double degree mode, thosewho complete all the courses and all the practical teaching proceduresstipulated in the talent training program within the maximum period ofregistration as required(that is 3-7 years), submit the graduation design(thesis) in English under the joint guidance of teachers of both partiesand are qualifiedin the defense of graduation design (thesis) organized by Sumy InternationalCollege of HIST, shall be granted with the undergraduate graduation certificateand bachelor’s degree certificate of Henan Institute of Science andTechnology.They also shall be granted with bachelor's degree certificate fromSumy National Agrarian University, and it is not necessary to stay at SumyNational Agrarian University.


2. If the student fails to meet thegraduation requirements of Henan Institute of Science and Technology or SumyNational Agrarian University of Ukraine within the length of study specified inthe specialist training plan, Henan Institute of Science and Technology or SumyNational Agrarian University of Ukraine shall award a completion certificate orstudy certification.


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